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adult day care

Adult day care is an incredible service focused on providing care and companionship for seniors and adults who require supervision and assistance during the day. It offers structured programs with activities, meals, and social interaction in an environment that is safe and supportive. Adult day care services may include assistance with personal care, health monitoring, therapeutic activities, and recreational programs tailored to the individual needs and interests of the individuals attending. This service aims to enhance quality of life, provide support and respite for caregivers, and delay or prevent the need for more intensive long-term care. As one approaches the idea of adult day care they may have questions or wonder how to proceed. Let’s take a look at the different aspects of adult day care. 

The Benefits of Adult Day Care

There are many benefits that adult day care can bring into the lives of the person attending adult day care, as well as their loved one. Understanding these benefits and communicating them to the individual visiting the community, will help provide peace of mind and reassurance. Here are some of the benefits of adult day care. 


Many seniors and individuals with health conditions experience feelings of loneliness and isolation. Adult day care provides opportunities for positive social interaction through its activities and programs, reducing feelings of loneliness and depression. 

Structured Activities

Adult day care services are centered around providing participants with a variety of activities catered to their unique interests and abilities. Many programs provide arts and crafts, games, exercise classes, and educational programs that promote mental and physical well-being. 

Support for Caregivers

Family caregivers have a lot to tend to when it comes to providing for their loved ones. Whether they need to attend work, run errands, or take a simple break from their responsibilities, adult day care keeps loved ones safe and cared for while also allowing caregivers to tend to other needs. 

Assistance and Supervision 

Some individuals may require supervision and assistance with daily activities, such as bathing, dressing, or medication management, due to physical or cognitive limitations. Adult day cares are run by trained staff who can help with these tasks.

Health Monitoring

For those recovering from illness or surgery or with chronic health conditions, adult day care centers often provide health monitoring services, including vital sign checks and medication administration, to ensure their well-being throughout the day.

How To Have A Conversation With Your Loved One About Utilizing Adult Day Care

Many emotions surface as you struggle to know how to have a conversation with your loved one who is needing to utilize adult day care. You may be afraid that they will get upset, sad, or frustrated by the idea. However, have you ever considered that they may appreciate the idea? Especially if they fully understood what adult day care entails. Here are some ideas on how to approach the conversation with your loved one as you consider adult day care. 

Choose the Right Time and Place

 Find a quiet and comfortable setting where you can have a private conversation without interruptions. Pick a time when both you and your loved one are relaxed, comfortable, and have time to have an open discussion. 

Express Your Love, Concerns, and Understanding

Start the conversation by expressing your love for them and the concerns and reasoning for considering adult day care.  Let your loved one know that you understand their needs and that you want what is best for them.

Listen Empathetically

 Encourage your loved one to share their thoughts and feelings about the idea of attending adult day care. Listen attentively to one another’s concerns and validate each other’s emotions without judgment.

Highlight the Benefits

Be sure to emphasize the positive aspects of adult day care, such as the opportunities to socialize, engage in meaningful and fun activities, receive assistance with daily tasks, and provide their primary caregiver with rest. 

Involve Them in the Decision-Making Process 

Your loved one should feel involved in the decision-making process when choosing an adult day care program. Ask for their input on what services they would like to be a part of in a day care program and address the preferences and concerns that they may have. 

Provide Reassurance

Most of the concerns that people have regarding programs like adult day care stem from a fear of losing independence or being abandoned.  Reassure your loved one that you will still be there for them and that the services provided in an adult day care are designed to improve their well-being and independence.

Offer a Trial Period

If your loved one is hesitant about attending adult day care, suggest trying out different services on a trial basis. This allows your loved one to experience programs firsthand and see which ones meet their needs and preferences.

Be Patient and Understanding

 Understand that your loved one may need time to adjust to the idea of attending adult day care. Be patient and supportive throughout the process and continue to communicate openly and honestly with each other. Be willing to make adjustments and changes to the services you choose for your loved one as needed. 

How to choose the best adult day care community

You may be wondering, where do I go? How do I choose the best adult day care community? Wonder no more. Here are some vital components to consider when choosing the best adult day care community.

Services Offered

Evaluate the range of services provided, including personal care assistance, health monitoring, therapeutic activities, and socialization opportunities.

Staff Qualifications and Accreditation

Inquire about the qualifications and training of the staff members, including nurses, aides, and activity coordinators, to ensure they can meet your loved one’s needs. Ensure that the adult day care facility is licensed and accredited by relevant authorities to guarantee compliance with quality and safety standards.

Safety and Accessibility 

Assess the safety measures in place at the adult day care center, such as emergency procedures, secure entrances/exits, and accessibility for individuals with mobility issues or disabilities.

Resident-to-Staff Ratio

Consider the ratio of resident to staff members to ensure adequate supervision and personalized attention for your loved one.

Program Structure

Consider the structure and variety of activities offered, as well as how well they align with your loved one’s interests and preferences.

Meal and Snack Options

Check the quality and nutritional value of the meals and snacks provided, as well as accommodations for special dietary needs and preferences.

Cost and Insurance Coverage

Understand the cost of the program, including any fees, payment options, and potential insurance coverage or financial assistance available.

Location and Transportation

Choose a day care in a location that is convenient for you and your loved one. See what transportation options the day care provides. 

Reputation and Reviews

Research the reputation of the adult day care by reading reviews, talking to other families who have used their services, and visiting the day care in person, if possible.

How to get started 

So, how does a person get started with adult day care? Assess and evaluate the needs of your loved one, including their medical, social, and cognitive needs to determine what kind of adult day care would best suit them. Research different day care options through online resources, the recommendations of healthcare professionals, support groups, and community directories to get an idea of what programs are available in your area. Contact the potential day care communities that suit you and your loved one best to gather information about what services their programs offer. Then, go and schedule a visit! 

Take a tour with your loved one to meet the staff and observe the program in action. With how many different care options are out in the community, it can feel a bit overwhelming to find one that works best for your loved one and your family. By following these steps, you can effectively start the process of finding an adult day care and narrowing down your options to find one that meets your loved one’s needs and provides them with a supportive and enriching environment. 

Let Us Help You Today!

We welcome the opportunity to speak with you about careers at The Cottages and the care that our residents receive at our Idaho locations. We are experts in assisted living, memory care, respite, adult day care, and have been serving seniors for over 20 years. Our small home-like senior living homes and specially-trained team members offer an atmosphere that promotes the well-being of your loved one.  

If you have any questions, would like to tour one of the Idaho assisted living or memory care homes, or speak with one of our licensed administrators, please fill out the form below. Please mention which location(s) you’re interested in.